My name is Brandon Araya, and I’m 23 years old. I was born in the United States but grew up in Costa Rica. I’m a self-taught programmer with a background as a boat mechanic, but I’ve been passionate about computers since childhood. I’ve been studying programming for about two years and have developed several personal projects. You can check out my work on my GitHub profile. I’m currently seeking an opportunity to grow as a web developer and contribute to exciting projects.
Boats and Fun
App for ordering seafood online. The website takes your order and your info and sends an email with the order you placed. I built it using Next.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS, and hosted it on Vercel
Blue Bloosom
Hair Saloon website, Freelancer proyect for a Hair saloon. I built it using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and hosted it on Vercel
Node JS
Express JS
Next JS
Tailwind CSS